My Notes 📘

These notes are mostly written for myself. But I share some of them publicly in order to foster conversation around the notes where I still need to clarify my thinking. If a note seems confusing or incomplete, don’t adjust your set, it’s probably on purpose.

This part of my blog is based on my interpretation of the Zettlekasten method which has been made popular by the book “How to Take Smart Notes”.

The most common topics I write about are energy, climate, tech, and company building. They are all good starting points, but you also might be interested in my Bookshelf, Principles, or what’s Top of Mind

You’ll notice there is no navigational aids - you need to click a clink on this page to get started. Oh, and if you see [[]], that means a page is coming soon, but I haven’t it created yet.

👋🏻 Kevin
